Social CBD Case Study

The world of cannabis is riddled with mystery. Times that mystery by 1,000 when it comes to CBD. Despite the national legalization of CBD, and countless positive testimonials, most Americans don’t know the vast benefits of CBD. Social CBD was having trouble educating these skeptical customers – so they called the team at M&P.
website element
pop website
cbd marketing

the brief

Cannabis is so often affiliated with the “stoner bro” culture. A cloud-filled messy room, a guy with red eyes, or a sketchy half-friend handing you small baggies. The reality is cannabis has grown up. It can be an elevated experience. For Social CBD to break the stigma, they needed to educate their customers.

The best way to get your word out? Saying it yourself. Social CBD was looking to develop a robust resource center for the “CBD-curious” and provide insightful, helpful content that makes potential CBD users comfortable and excited to try Social CBD.

Social CBD approached M&P with the challenge of creating content that not only educates consumers but also expands the company’s digital footprint with search. Our team went to work developing the content marketing strategy to get Social CBD higher in the search results (get it?). 

We promise: no more puns.

Services Mission Summary

Content Marketing
Paid Search
brand photography

The M&P Impact

+481% Search Traffic

+311% Blog Traffic

+657% Search Impressions

+74% Social Followers

85% Campaign ROI

+993% Web Conv. Rate


cbd marketing metrics
Common Search Question Analysis
The next layer of the keyword research run by the M&P team consisted of targeting common questions in association with highly competitive keywords. Specifically targeting the “People Also Ask” section that often appears in Google search results. The search for CBD benefits and history was immense, and honestly, not very competitive.
cbd marketing metrics
Keyword Opportunity Analysis
What’s the point of writing new content if no one can find it? That’s why all of our content marketing initiatives start with thorough keyword research. Our Social CBD strategy was to target “cbd for…” variant searches.
cbd marketing metrics
Content Writing
Now that our content plan is in place, we get to writing! Each blog is optimized for search with correct headings, robust content, and a linking strategy. We got to work on Social CBD’s blog section and quickly saw a massive impact on their digital presence and authority.

More! More! MOREEEE!

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