Blender Bites Case Study

Blender Bites was growing and growing quickly. They had become a sensation in Canada and had their eyes set on launching in the United States. So, they reached out to M&P for our knowledge and insights into the American market and how we could help their brand make a major impact on target markets throughout the US.
website element
pop website
smoothie marketing

the challenge

Creating The Perfect Blend Of Creative & Data

With Blender Bites launching in Walmart and Safeway stores across the US, M&P was asked to create a highly-targeted awareness campaign to cultivate demand for this new pre-made smoothie product. 

Recognizing the power and reach of social media platforms, M&P embarked on a comprehensive strategy tailored to showcase Blender Bites’ unique offerings and capture the attention of health-conscious consumers.

Through a combination of compelling content creation, influencer partnerships, and targeted ad campaigns, M&P aimed to position Blender Bites as the go-to choice for convenient and nutritious smoothie solutions. By tapping into trending topics, lifestyle trends, and wellness conversations on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, M&P endeavored to spark conversations and drive user engagement around Blender Bites’ products. With a keen focus on storytelling and authenticity, M&P aimed to foster a sense of community and connection among consumers, ultimately driving brand loyalty and advocacy.

M&P didn’t just focus on immediate engagement; they also implemented robust analytics and tracking mechanisms to measure the effectiveness of their social media efforts and refine strategies for optimal results. 

Services Mission Summary

Social Media
smoothie marketing case study

The M&P Impact

+88% Website Visits

+63% Social Engagement

+84% Campaign Clicks

+129% Organic Impressions

+821% Organic Traffic

+93% Campaign ROI


social campaign example
Creative Ideation & Development
Once we have our target audience defined, our creative team gets work ideating creative strategies to get those users to stop their scrolling and actually engage with the ad. For social campaigns, our team loves to be a little quirky, weird, and funny to help our clients stand out from the flood of other ads littering social media.
social campaign example
Market Research & Audience Targeting
The true benefit of social media campaigns is the ability to target users based on their likes and activity in granular detail. Utilizing public data and fusing that with detailed targeting options with social platforms allowed us to tailor unique messaging for each audience segment and drive engagement.
social campaign example
Campaign Analysis & Optimizations
The beauty of any paid social media campaign doesn’t come with the initial launch – it’s come 3 months down the road when we implement optimization overhauls. For Blender Bites, we found that “mothers” were our best-performing target marketing, so we began to ideate additional segments of mothers to help improve the campaign performance.

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