Honestly Margo Case Study

When Margo started her beauty brand at 13, she had big plans. Although she was early in the market, the beauty scene became crowded quickly. That’s why she reached out to M&P. Building a digital brand that breaks through the noise and builds a loyal following of consumers.
website element
pop website
cosmetic marketing

the brief

Although Honestly Margo considered themselves a small business, there was nothing small about their ambitions. Mom and daughter team of Irene and Margo had started the company when Margo was a teenager. Since their launch, the landscape of the beauty industry had undergone a major makeover.

Their product line, which had started with a simple line of lip gloss and chapsticks, had rapidly expanded to include lotions, bath bombs, bronzers, highlighters, and fragrances. The only problem: every month, 28 new beauty brands launch their own websites.

To cut through the noise, the M&P team was hired to expand its digital reach and convert site visitors to loyal customers with compelling messaging, improved design, and seamless checkout.

Services Mission Summary

Paid Search
Website Design
cosmetic marketing example

The M&P Impact

+165% Web Revenue

+53% Purchase Rate

+16% Web Traffic

+59% Transactions

+39% Product Views

+74% Campaign ROI


cosmetic website
Tone & Tagline Development
Our research discovered that the best brands in the beauty industry focused on the benefits of using their products – not the basic facts and information on the product. Building a lifestyle around Honestly Margo was key to the success of the website.
cosmetic website
Market Research
With the beauty industry flooded with niche producers, it was vital for Honestly Margo to understand the full scope of the competition and consumer demand to build a website that wasn’t trendy, but would work for years to come.
cosmetic website
Website Development
Once we have the messaging in place, the last major piece of the website strategy was to ensure that users had a seamless checkout experience. Any slowdown or frustration would inevitably lead to lost revenue. Building a process where users could come back and purchase with ease was vital in our campaign.

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