Fast Water Heater Case Study

Many digital marketers will harp on Local SEO when building digital updates for service-based companies. But what happens when you’re looking to develop Local SEO for four different markets – all from one website? You call M&P to develop a replicable strategy for your water heater business.
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Fast Water Heater Case Study

the brief

Fast Water Heater had the best problem a business could have. They’ve been growing – rapidly. Based in Seattle, Washington, Fast Water Heater’s service area had recently expanded to include Portland, The Bay Area, and Southern California.

While this growth was great for business, there were growing pains. For a company founded on sending their employees into customer’s homes, trust and locality were key components of their business.

The team at Fast Water Heater approached M&P with this problem – how do we tailor a “local” feel for each of these geographic areas, while continuing to run off one website?

Our team at M&P built a strategy to implement a Local SEO strategy over 4 markets and create a tailored web experience for users depending on the location where users visited the site.

Services Mission Summary

Website Design
home service marketing case study

The M&P Impact

+65% Web Leads

+116% Service Calls

+28% Organic Impressions

+58% Organic Traffic

152% Campaign ROI

+993% Web Conv. Rate


water heater website
Creative Concept & Direction
Branding is rooted in science, but at the end of the day, it’s all about what the brand makes one feel. So, in that vain, our team at M&P will present 3 creative concepts to send us in the right direction. Through the process with Fast Water Heater, our team presented our creative design, landing on the abstract fire incorporating blue and red components within the flame.
water heater website
Competitor Research
The first step for any branding update with our clients is to do a thorough analysis of what direct competitors are doing with their branding. What is working? Why are the commonalities? Where is the opportunity? Our analysis for Fast Water revealed a heavy reliance on two colors: red and blue. Both colors are associated strongly with water heaters in general. Fast Water Heater utilized these colors and wanted to continue to do so, so our mission became finding opportunities to differentiate other ways.
water heater website
Branding Implementation
The final step of logo redesign is to quickly (and efficiently) implement the brand throughout company materials: uniforms, paper materials, business cards, car wraps, etc. Rip off the bandaid and start fresh. Fast Water Heater now utilizes the branding developed by M&P for all materials throughout the company.

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